Hello! That’s right: you have the wrong link!

Hello! That’s right: you have the wrong link! It’s a little counter-intuitive. You want the URL that starts with pic.twitter.com, and you need to open your console to find it.

  1. Looking at the tweet that has your image in it…

2. Right-click on the time stamp of the tweet, and open it in a new window.

3. In the new window, click on the image to expand it.

4. Now open your console in your browser. (Right click > inspect element)

5. Search inside your console for the URL that begins “pic.twitter.com.” It wont link directly to and image. It links to a landing page.

That’s the URL you want to copy into your tweet. In this case, use pic.twitter.com/6x6RSxNTpj

Good luck! Let me know how it works out.